Inbound Marketing Levels the Playing Field for businesses in almost all industries, scales, and annual revenues. Large or small, multi-national or local, family-owned, companies today have as much of a chance at winning business for one very big reason; the internet. Yes, it’s true, the internet greatly impacts how business is won today, compared to just a few short years ago. The onset of inbound marketing is just now taking firm hold, as the traditional methods of marketing are slowly heading for the dugout.
Inbound marketing levels the playing field, so that everyone can compete with the same set of tools.
- Web Site with Analytics
- Blogging, Webinars, Audio Playback
- Content Creation and Curation
- Public Relations
- Social Media Sharing
- Event Marketing
- Mobile Marketing
- Video Marketing
- Email Marketing
Yes, there can be a discussion about big business having a larger budget than everyone else does, but the fact of the matter is, every business needs all of the above to flourish. An accounting firm or CPA that serves the local or regional market should be using the same tool kit that behemoth firms like JP Morgan Chase, and do an obviously better job creating profit. Not to be harsh, but the truth lies in the use of the tools, not the size of the budget in all cases. Smaller firms must be more nimble, forward thinking and less concerned about the paychecks of the corporate big-wigs, and more concerned with driving business in the doors. The size of the marketing department at JPMC is not driving enough revenues regardless of the tools they’re using. Someone needs to check out what really is going on there.
A great example of how inbound marketing levels the playing field
A great example of how inbound marketing levels the playing field is a case study from a client from 2009. As a marketing agency, I am proud of how this project turned out. Here is the summary of the case where a local architectural firm started using Hubspot software to drive leads through their inbound marketing strategy. The results were astounding, creating a 600% increase in traffic and leads.
Here is a brief synopsis of their success.
Client: Modative Architectural Firm – Los Angeles, Ca. Founded 2006, focus on contemporary residential and commercial projects. Note: No IT staff, no previous with Internet anything. 3 principal partners.
Challenge: Switch from word of mouth advertising and marketing to driving leads through the Internet and their web site. “We did have a web site but we weren’t bringing really much traffic to that web site,” quotes Derek Levitt, partner. Blogging didn’t work, and they invested in Google ads and Yahoo ads, with little to no improvement. Only 15 % of incoming traffic in May was due to advertising (compared to 80% in the past- prior to the housing bubble).
Solution: Signed on to the Hubspot platform, transferring Modative’s marketing from pay per click to organic traffic. May ’09 traffic was 85% organic. Hubspot’s search engine optimization tools, analytics, keyword analytics, and added a resource page to their web site offering free engaging content pieces such as eBooks, White Papers and informational articles and optimized their online portfolio of project photos, generating an additional 18% of traffic to the site. Working on lead capture methodology, as well as targeted social media strategic tactics, traffic increased exponentially. Prior to inbound marketing, traffic was non-existent and now has reached 711 unique visitors a month.
Results: Results have been dramatic, as indicated by the following illustrations:
(Image Above: monthly Google search referrals, Jan – June 2009)
Modative has increased its traffic from 639 visitors in January to 3,670 in June.
(Image Above: monthly traffic and leads, Jan – June 2009)
The company blog’s traffic has grown sizably, gaining 1,063 viewers in less than 30 days. It has 45 blog subscribers who engage with one another and leave comments. In optimizing his blog content, Derek uses social media site like Twitter, StumpleUpon and LinkedIn. “People will find an article that we blogged on and then, they will promote it,” said Derek Levitt.
“I really can’t say enough good things about what it has done for us in the short-term and, more importantly, in the long term,” said Derek. The Hubspot product pieces have helped Modative successfully optimize search results and generate qualified leads. “We get to do all of that ourselves, which is really empowering,” he said. “Things are being done the way you want them to be done.”
Regardless of the fact that the client already had a web site, it wasn’t doing them any good. It may as well have been a sign in the desert; unless someone stumbles by, it would never be seen. Inbound marketing makes the difference. Every type of business can benefit from inbound marketing. It starts with an evaluation, goal setting, understanding the target audience and competitors, and developing and instituting a marketing plan. Whether an accounting firm, architect, bakery or retail outlet, inbound marketing is the new marketing model. The customer is now in control, like never before. They have tuned out traditional marketing messages, and are actively searching online for those companies with whom they intend to do business.
What ROI is your present marketing creating? And if it is not meeting your expectation, what are you planning to do to improve it?